Does She Love me? You want to Know?

Sep 15, 2013

Many guys who are looking for long-term relationships, or those who are already in established romances often ask themselves (but rarely voice to even their closest friends), “Does she love me?” 

Well, it's a fast-paced world out there, and not every girl rules a kingdom, so don't expect statues erected in your honor - but there are a bunch of little things to look out for that will give you an idea of if your gal is madly and deeply head over heels with you.

You climbed inside my world and in my songs

If she's in love with you, you may find her singing. Maybe they are songs you introduced her to when you first started dating. Maybe she takes songs and substitutes your name or adds lyrics to them about you or your relationship with her (this isn't so easy is your name is Alowishus, but it can be fun if your name happens to be Matt, Dave, Wade, or Richard). She may take to singing to her cat, her plants, or just outloud to herself while doing mundane things. It sounds silly, I know, but love makes us all do silly things, and singing about our men is just one of the many things we do.

Those little gifts

Say what you will about traditional roles (many are true), but guys like to receive gifts as much as women, and girls know this. Now, just because she didn't get you a home entertainment system doesn't mean she's not paying attention. Gift giving may seem incongruous, at first. She may get you a Matchbox '69 Nova because you like muscle cars, or you tickets to some underground band that even YOU haven't heard of – because you've impressed her with your musical knowledge, and she thinks you're just that cool. Or she may greet you by wearing that outfit that made you stare and not keep your hands to yourself (that's a gift both people can enjoy).

Letting you decide

Letting you decide isn't supposed to sound as derisive as it reads. She loves you, and she trusts you, so instead of wanting to do something and having you both say “I don't know” back and forth until the entire city has shut down for the night, she's letting you pick what to do. Unlike what women's magazines would have you believe, THIS IS NOT A TEST! Letting you decide isn't a chance for her to scrutinize where you both go to see how well you know her. Letting you decide shows a level of intimate trust, and is also part of the ever-going exchange of information between lovers to discover what each one enjoys. Besides, she knows you're probably not going to choose to go to the strip club. Nor is she looking for you to pick going to see a chick flick, either.

She's giving you time to yourself

This does not mean you are in the dog house. So many men take it to mean that, and even more assume it's because women are mad at them. If you fall into this category, you are probably 180-degrees off target. See, there comes a point when love exceeds everything. It's no longer those initial, burning, passionate weeks. This is another trust level in a relationship that is a true sign that your girlfriend is in love with you. Beyond wanting to be included in your world (which should go without saying), and beyond (perhaps the less respectable) wanting to keep an eye on you), there's a point where your girlfriend knows you, and trusts you to want to enjoy those things you enjoyed before you started dating. She's not admonishing you. She's not racking up some warped credit line (though I've seen many men and women do that, and it's just unhealthy) wherein you are allowed to have a beer with your friends IF you promise to clean the house, walk the dog, retile the kitchen, and mow the lawn for the next six months. No. Just as she wouldn't expect you to sit through a Sex And The City marathon with wine coolers, you wouldn't expect her to sit and watch you play Call of Duty: Slightly Different Than The Last One and swoon over how you totally one-shoted your opponent and then sat on the face of his lifeless digital corpse. She trusts you enough to let you enjoy yourself as an individual – and if that doesn't speak volumes to how much she values you as part of her world, I don't know what does. It's the ones that think they have to trail you and practically hire a private eye that you have to watch out for.

She tells you

How can I make this easier for you? If she loves you, she will tell you. This isn't reserved for when you buy her new shoes. This isn't reserved for just the bedroom or right before you go to sleep, or hang up on the phone. Nor should you be telling her that you love her and then wait to hear it in return. The last thing you want to do is go from her Han Solo to being Princess Leia while she just gives you an “I know” as a response. If she loves you, she will tell you – of her own volition, and probably when you least expect it.

Closing words about being yourself

If you read the words on women's magazines and advice columns from month to month, you will often notice that they not only become increasingly absurd, but that they often contradict one another. “How what he eats can tell you if he's cheating” is right next to “If he loves you, he'll buy you new shoes,” and next month, it will be “A faithful man starves himself and dosn't buy his woman anything.” What does it mean?

It means that magazines like selling issues more than they do real advice.

The best advice I can give you is not to pay attention to those articles. If a woman loves you, she will let you know. Now, everything I  mentioned above goes both ways (except maybe the Han Solo comment – but we'll save role playing for a different article). She will show you and tell you that she loves you. This does not mean that you should be jumping through hurdles and walking over fire to elicit those words from her.

Most girls prefer their guys to be uncharred and unbroken (as much as possible, anyway), so getting her to say those magic words are as simple as being yourself, while also paying attention to what she likes and how she likes to be treated. If you find her nibbling your ear, or just leaning against you and sighing with a smile, you may come to realize that sometimes little things go light years beyond words.

If she loves you, you won't need to ask.
Recomended E-book : How to make someone fall in love with you

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Review Acne No More E-book

Sep 9, 2013

Why Is Acne No More The Best Selling Holistic Acne Book In Internet  History, With Thousands Of Satisfied (And Now Acne Free) Users In 131 Countries Worldwide?

Acne No More is the #1 best selling acne ebook in the history of the Internet for a reason... Thousands of women and men of every age have completely cured their acne condition and achieved lasting clear skin naturally, without drugs, over the counters, creams or "magic potions," simply by using the clinically proven, scientifically-accurate step by step method found inside this amazing acne freedom guidebook.

Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, health consultant and author has not just pumped out yet another "acne cure program" into an already oversaturated market. Mike's Acne No More can be more accurately described as an "Acne Bible."  It is quite simply one of the most comprehensive, complete, and precise guides to acne freedom you will ever read. What makes it so much different than other clear skin publications on the market?

Well first of all, it's not just a "acne relief" or "skin care" program, it's a holistic acne cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you've read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind that pursuing "acne relief" is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you've failed to stop and maintain your 'acne free
internal environment'. Acne No More shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.

Secondly, what makes Acne No More different is the amount of attention that is paid to each and every element required to achieve permanent freedom from acne symptoms and from hormonal and toxic overload disorders. Acne No More not only thoroughly discusses the lies, myths and fallacies surrounding a very confusing subject, it is simply the most detailed book about acne, blackheads, and hormonal health and inner balance ever written.

The Acne No More book is quite extensive (223 pages of rock solid content) which focuses on 100% natural acne treatment. That means there aren't recommendations for harsh prescription drugs with nasty side effects. In Acne No More core formula section (The 5 pillars) - Nothing is held back. In this section, Mike gives a detailed overview of each step, and then dives into the specifics in a perfect chronological order. There are also outstanding charts and checklists which make it very easy to know where you are at in the program and follow it.
Because the Acne No More program is not a quick fix ‘fairy tale’ cure but a complete holistic solution aimed at eliminating the root cause of acne and digestive disorders (regardless of their severity) and ensure your will permanently be acne-free, it does take work and persistence to complete. "The dictionary is the only place success comes before work" says Mike, as he emphasizes the "no quick fix" philosophy behind the entire book. If there is any drawback to the Acne No More ebook, it's that it contains so much information, that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a quick start type of acne program, might be a bit intimated at first. The good part however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.

Who will benefit most from Acne No More?

In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs to cure their acne and regain their natural inner balance will benefit from Acne No More. This e-book is honestly for everyone.
Even people without acne. This is a total health rejuvenation program better than 98% of the nutrition and alternative health books on the market.
In terms of graphic design, Acne No More is a clean and professionally formatted PDF e-book. It is well organized and ideal for printing and reading in the comfort of your own home.
This impressive and unique publication has changed many lives and the hundreds of inspiring testimonials and success stories are found on the Acne No More website archives as proof.

The Bottom line?

Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to acne, anyone looking to be told fairy-tales, and anyone looking for a "magic bullet", acne pills, over the counters, 'acne freedom in 3 days' hyped up programs should not waste his or her time with Acne No More. On the other hand, anyone searching for the truth about acne and his natural inner balance and who is ready and willing to put in some work and make the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve acne freedom, will find Acne No More to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives.

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Hormones Acne - Acne Treatments natural hormonal balance for clear skin

Aug 28, 2013

Hormones Acne - Acne Treatments natural hormonal balance for clear skin
So why would you try to treat acne that way? Many acne treatment systems today such as Proactiv, target acne only from the outside, and do not address the problem interanally, as it should be for lasting and dramatic results.

If you are really serious about treating acne and really eliminate its source (the hormones that cause acne), then you owe it to yourself to try a natural acne hormone treatment which is specifically designed to compensate for hormonal imbalance and purify the skin from the inside with the aid of special blends of herbs, vegetables, and / or natural compounds such as vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid.

Why go natural?

because many people who have not been responsive to conventional acne treatments, or their effectiveness has worn off results, experience due to long-term use, superior natural acne treatments. Hormones Acne Review

acne can actually be caused by two different hormones in women. It is usually an excess of androgens (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones). In men, it can also be caused by imbalances in male and female hormones. This hormonal imbalance activates the breakouts by over-stimulating the oil glands on acne prone areas of the body, which then results in an obstruction of the pores, and then that thing that we all know and love -. Pimple

are also very potent as hormonal equalizers, as well as "blood purifiers", and their properties foster an environment for mending skin eruptions, and the prevention and the promotion of new breakouts a healthy complexion and skin tone.

Most natural acne treatments are designed to do two things:
1.) To help correct hormonal imbalances related to acne breakouts.
2.) Reduce inflammation and swelling, and pave the way for fast skin repair where breakouts have recently occurred.

Other tips you can follow to help prevent unsightly breakouts are:

1.) Drink plenty of water. This helps to cleanse the system, and results in a clearer, more hydrated skin.

2.) Avoid caffeine and caffeine-containing products like chocolate or supplements that contain caffeine or other stimulants.

3.) Relax. Try a calming exercise for when you get stressed out. Stress activates breakouts for many individuals.

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Acne treatments and drugs

Acne treatments and drugs

Acne treatments work by reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacterial infection, reducing the inflammation or doing all four. With most prescription acne treatments, you may not see results for four to eight weeks, and your skin may get worse before it gets better.

Your doctor or dermatologist may recommend a prescription medication you apply to your skin (topical medication) or take by mouth (oral medication). Oral prescription medications for acne should not be used during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

Types of acne treatments include:

Over-the-counter topical treatments. Acne lotions may dry up the oil, kill bacteria and promote sloughing of dead skin cells. Over-the-counter (OTC) lotions are generally mild and contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or sulfur as their active ingredient. These products can be helpful for very mild acne. OTC acne medications may cause initial side effects — such as skin irritation, dryness and flaking — that often improve after the first month of therapy.
Topical treatments available by prescription. If your acne doesn't respond to OTC treatments, consider seeing a doctor or dermatologist to get a stronger prescription lotion. Tretinoin (Avita, Retin-A, others), adapalene (Differin) and tazarotene (Tazorac, Avage) are examples of topical prescription products derived from vitamin A. They work by promoting cell turnover and preventing plugging of the hair follicles. A number of topical antibiotics also are available. They work by killing excess skin bacteria.

Often, a combination of such products is required to achieve optimal results. A number of benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic combination medications are available, including different dose combinations of benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin (Benzaclin, Duac, Acanya) and benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin (Benzamycin). Dapsone gel (Aczone) is a newer acne treatment that's particularly effective in treating inflammatory acne. Prescription topical treatments for acne may cause skin side effects, such as stinging, burning, redness or peeling. Your doctor may recommend steps to minimize these side effects, including using a gradually increased dose, washing off the medication after a short application or switching to another medication.

Antibiotics. For moderate to severe acne, you may need a short course of prescription oral antibiotics to reduce bacteria and fight inflammation. Since oral antibiotics were first used to treat acne, antibiotic resistance has increased significantly in people with acne. For this reason, your doctor likely will recommend tapering off these medications as soon as your symptoms begin to improve, or as soon as it becomes clear the drugs aren't helping — usually, within three to four months. In most cases, you'll use topical medications and oral antibiotics together. Studies have found that using topical benzoyl peroxide along with oral antibiotics may reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics may cause side effects, such as an upset stomach, dizziness or skin discoloration. These drugs also increase your skin's sun sensitivity and may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Isotretinoin. For deep cysts, antibiotics may not be enough. Isotretinoin (Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret) is a powerful medication available for scarring cystic acne or acne that doesn't respond to other treatments. This medicine is reserved for the most severe forms of acne. It's very effective, but people who take it need close monitoring by a dermatologist because of the possibility of severe side effects. Isotretinoin is associated with severe birth defects, so it can't be safely taken by pregnant women or women who may become pregnant during the course of treatment or within several weeks of concluding treatment. In fact, the drug carries such serious potential side effects that women of reproductive age must participate in a Food and Drug Administration-approved monitoring program to receive a prescription for the drug.

Isotretinoin commonly causes side effects — such as dry eyes, mouth, lips, nose and skin, as well as itching, nosebleeds, muscle aches, sun sensitivity and poor night vision. The drug may also increase the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and may increase liver enzyme levels.

In addition, isotretinoin may be associated with an increased risk of depression and suicide. Although this causal relationship has not been proved, doctors remain on alert for these signs in people who are taking isotretinoin. If you feel unusually sad or unable to cope while taking this drug, tell your doctor immediately.

Oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives, including a combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Previfem, others), can improve acne in women. However, oral contraceptives may cause other side effects — such as headaches, breast tenderness, nausea and depression — that you'll want to discuss with your doctor. The most serious potential complication is a slightly increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and blood clots.

Laser and light therapy. Laser- and light-based therapies reach the deeper layers of skin without harming the skin's surface. Laser treatment is thought to damage the oil (sebaceous) glands, causing them to produce less oil. Light therapy targets the bacteria that cause acne inflammation. These therapies can also improve skin texture and lessen the appearance of scars. More research is needed to understand the most effective use of light and laser therapies in acne treatment, and experts currently recommend these approaches as stand-alone therapy only in people who can't tolerate approved acne medications. These therapies may be uncomfortable and may cause temporary skin problems that mimic a severe sunburn.

Cosmetic procedures. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion may be helpful in controlling acne. These cosmetic procedures — which have traditionally been used to lessen the appearance of fine lines, sun damage and minor facial scars — are most effective when used in combination with other acne treatments. They may cause temporary, severe redness, scaling and blistering, and long-term discoloration of the skin.

Acne scar treatment

Doctors may be able to use certain procedures to diminish scars left by acne. These include fillers, dermabrasion, intense light therapy and laser resurfacing.

Soft tissue fillers. Collagen or fat can be injected under the skin and into scars to fill out or stretch the skin, making the scars less noticeable. Results from this acne scar treatment are temporary, so you need to repeat the injections periodically.
Chemical peels. High-potency acid is applied to your skin to remove the top layer and minimize deeper scars. Some stronger peels reach even deeper into the skin.
Dermabrasion. Usually reserved for more severe scarring, dermabrasion involves removing the top layer of skin with a rapidly rotating wire brush. Surface scars may be completely removed, and deeper acne scars may appear less noticeable. Dermabrasion may cause pigmentation changes for people with darker skin.
Microdermabrasion. This newer acne scar treatment involves a hand-held device that blows crystals onto skin. These crystals gently abrade or "polish" the skin's surface. Then, a vacuum tube removes the crystals and skin cells. Because just the surface cells are removed, the skin isn't damaged. However, results are subtle and scars may still be noticeable, even after several sessions.
Laser, light source and radiofrequency treatments. In laser resurfacing, a laser beam destroys the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heats the underlying skin (dermis). As the wound heals, new skin forms. Less intense lasers (nonablative lasers), pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices don't injure the epidermis. These treatments heat the dermis and cause new skin formation. After several treatments, acne scars may appear less noticeable. This means shorter recovery times, but treatment typically needs to be repeated more often and results are subtle.
Skin surgery. A minor procedure (punch excision) cuts out individual acne scars. Stitches or a skin graft repairs the hole left at the scar site.

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What Causes Acne?

What Causes Acne

All acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and a hair. These units are found everywhere on the body except on the palms, soles, top of the feet, and the lower lip. The number of pilosebaceous units is greatest on the face, upper neck, and chest. Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin and hair moisturized. During adolescence sebaceous glands enlarge and produce more sebum under the influence of hormones, also called androgens. After about age 20, sebum production begins to decrease.

Acne & Bacteria
A bacteria, known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a normal inhabitant of the skin. It uses sebum as a nutrient for growth, therefore increases in follicles during puberty. People with acne have more Propionibacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne. The presence of bacteria attracts white blood cells to the follicle. These white blood cells produce an enzyme that damages the wall of the follicle, allowing the contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. This process causes an inflammatory response seen as papules (red bumps), pustules, and nodules. The bacteria also cause the formation of free fatty acids, which are irritants, increasing the inflammatory process in the follicle.

Normal Follicles
Sebum produced by the sebaceous gland combines with cells being sloughed off within the hair follicle and "fills up" the hair follicle. When the follicle is "full", the sebum spreads over the skin surface giving the skin an oily appearance. When this process works correctly, the skin is moisturized and remains healthy.

Obstructed Follicles
Problems arise when the sebum is trapped in the hair follicle. For reasons that are still unclear, some hair follicles become obstructed. The sebum is produced but gets trapped on the way out, and the cells that are normally sloughed off become "sticky", plugging up the follicle. The process of obstructing follicles is called comedogenesis. It causes some follicles to form a type of acne called comedones, also known as blackheads and whiteheads.

Credit Image:

Acne - close-up of pustular lesions

Blackheads (comedones)

Acne, cystic on the face

Adult facial acne

Baby acne

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Aug 27, 2013

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